1 - Monika Varbanova Ghent University - Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
3 - Prof. Milena Kirova University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" - Faculty of Business and Management
Industry 4.0. is a very broad domain related to the digital transition.A few authors focus on the management perspective in the enterprise (Jan Johansson, 2017; Strange & Zucchella, 2017), Piccarozzi(2018) offers revision of principal issues.The management literature still lacks a systematic formulation of strategy and the critical factors to be implemented by the governance in the industrial organization. Also, advanced and digital manufacturing technologies can unlock the circularity of resources, despite the fact that the unexplored connection between a circular economy and I 4.0.
This article takes a new approach to systematizing the implications of the adoption of I 4.0 to the circular economy (CE) performance of companies. The objective is to contribute to filling the gaps in the management literature and to identify critical success factors to be endorsed by the management team in industrial organizations to quickly adapt, increase performance, and competitiveness with Industry 4.0. while improving the sustainability indicators of the business. A particular focus is on the agri-food industry, considering its 4.0 industry infancy.
The research design consists of two parts: the methodology followed for assessing the critical success factors for Industry 4.0. trough Systemic literature review method (SLR) with PRISMA, and qualitative data analysis to assess how those factors differ in the agri-food sector. I 4.0 is strongly cited from 2014, while Agriculture 4.0 is only recently quoted. However, the critical success factors for I 4.0. apply to the agri-food sector as well, except for sustainability, which has its specifics.
In this study,11 critical success factors for I 4.0. have been suggested from the PRISMA method:strong leadership,well-defined management strategy and team commitment,organizational culture ready for changes and adaptation,establishment of MIS, agile project management,high level of cyber security,cross-lined product life-cycle and focus on consumer relations, respect of sustainability (and more precisely circular economy) and regional specifics.social innovation, rather than CE, could be defined as a high influencing critical success factor for the agri-food sector.
Our study suggests that before implementing I 4.0. managers should first study the current business model and then devise strategies to align the existing one with Industry 4.0 initiatives. The managers can further use each of the critical factors identified in this study, with special attention to sustainability, as a guiding framework to successfully implement I 4.0. in their organizations. Managers from the agri-food sector would additionally benefit from considering social innovations in their portfolio of strategies.
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