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Entrepreneurial activities in Smart Cities: Evidence from Portugal
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Smart Cities
Structural Equation Model




Microempreendedor, Empreendedorismo Regional e Empreendedorismo Corporativo.


1 - Pedro Miguel Lopes Mota veiga
Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) - NECE - Research Center in Business Sciences
2 - João José de Matos Ferreira
Universidade da Beira Interior - Gestao e Economia


Currently, in the context of globalization and interdependence of national economies, the exclusive use of traditional national policies promoting development, seems to be insufficient to address the issues alluding to that same development. The management of cities thus faces the challenge of making living conditions more attractive so that they become more appealing to people's permanent lives.
We aims to identify which attributes are particularly relevant in fostering entrepreneurship in a CS, it intends to answer the following research question: What are the main factors in the KS that encourage entrepreneurial activity?
The literature review suggests the following hypothesis: H1: Smart Governance has an impact on EA H2: Smart Environment has an impact on EA H3: Smart Living has an impact on EA H4: Smart People have an impact on EA H5: The impact of Smart Governance on EA is moderated by a) distance to Lisbon, b) distance to Oporto H6: The impact of the Smart Environment on EA is moderated by a) distance to Lisbon,b) distance to Oporto H7: The impact of Smart Living on EA is moderated by a) distance to Lisbon, b) distance to Oporto H8: The impact of Smart Living on EA is moderated by a) distance to Lisbon, b)
Based on the 278 Portuguese continental municipalities, we used a quantitative methodology based on the various indicators of CS and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. The data were obtained through INE and PORDATA.
The results, based on structural equation models, reveal that the factors Smart People, Smart Living, and Smart Environment impact significantly Entrepreneurial Activity. About Smart Governance, it is observed that the greater the distance to the main Portuguese metropolitan areas, the greater the impact of Smart Governance on entrepreneurial activity.
Smart People, Smart Living, and Smart Environment impact significantly Entrepreneurial Activity. As for the moderating effect of the distance between Lisbon and Porto on the relationship between CS dimensions and entrepreneurial activity, it was observed that the greater the distance between Lisbon and Porto the greater the impact of Smart Governance and entrepreneurial activity, while this impact is lower in the municipalities closer to these metropolitan areas.
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